Probus East Grinstead Logo

The Probus Club of East Grinstead & District


Members consists of retired professional or business people from within the town and the local district. There is no lower or upper age limit and members are encouraged to actively participate in the Club's activities. The Club uses email for routine communication and manages this website for promoting and recording Club activities.

Prospective new members are invited to come along to a meeting as a guest where they can meet members of the committee and observe whether joining would be of interest, There is an annual subscription which is currently £50. Please contact the Secretary or an existing member for further details about coming to a meeting and future membership.

Where a member becomes ill or infirm and cannot regularly attend, then allowance is made for this and the member assumes a Non-Attending status in which no annual subscription is levied. Non-Attending members maintain contact with the club and continue to receive newsletters and details of events.


01342 326523