Probus East Grinstead Logo

The Probus Club of East Grinstead & District


The Probus Club of East Grinstead & District respect the privacy of its members and this document describes how we collect information, what we do with it and who and how it is controlled.

Personal Data we collect and how we use the information about you

On joining members are required to complete an application form giving Surname , Initials, First Name, Date of Birth, Wife or partner’s name, Full address & post code with Telephone number, Mobile Number, email address.

This information is used to produce a Programme and Membership List and put in the Members access only section of the Club’s website

Details of Previous Profession or Business, Special Interests and Hobbies, Any other Comments of Information is used to provide a Classification for the Membership List and help the Club Officers provide a relevant and varied programme of speakers.

To comply with regulations from 25th May 2018, all existing members will be asked to sign an ‘opt in’ form to allow the Club to use the information we already have about them.

There may be occasions when we ask for other information e.g. for holidays or trips etc, but this will be only be used to fulfil your request or provide you with a more personalised support.

Sharing your information

We would only disclose information to third parties or individuals when obliged to do so by Law.

Within the Club your information will be kept by the Club Secretary/Data Controller, Treasurer, Webmaster, Holiday and Events Secretaries, and Welfare Officer.

Retaining your Information

The Club will retain your information only for so long as it is necessary for each purpose it is used.

If you decide to give up membership, we will destroy all information apart from some basic details in order to avoid sending you unwanted communications.

What are your rights

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives individuals a number of important rights. These are;

The Right to be Informed: we will be transparent regarding how we use your personal information and will explain this to members.

The Right of Access: you may request a copy of the information we hold about you, which will be provided to you within one month

The Right of Rectification: to ask to have your information updated or amended if the information we hold about you is wrong.

The Right to Restriction of Processing: to ask us to stop using your information or partial information. For example, you may no longer wish your email address, telephone number to be published. This could result in you not being kept informed of all Club activities.

The Right to be Forgotten: you may ask us to remove all your personal information if you no longer wish to continue membership. We may still retain sufficient information to ensure we do not contact you again.

We will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.

The accuracy of your information is important to us. You can check the information we hold is correct on the members’ section of our website, and update the information if necessary direct by contacting the Club Secretary.

If you would like to know more about your rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 see information at Commissioner’s Office, website

You can download our Privacy Policy as a pdf Here.