Probus East Grinstead Logo

The Probus Club of East Grinstead & District

What is Probus?

Probus is a nationwide (and worldwide) series of Clubs to encourage retired business people to meet like-minded persons, make new friends, maintain a social network and listen to speakers on diverse subjects of interest. The name stems from the two words PROfessional and BUSiness.

There is no central govening body, but Probus Centres are established in different countries to disseminate information and assist clubs with organisation issues. Each club is able to devise its own set of rules on membersrship criterial and numbers, whether to allow both men and women, where they meet and what activiities they will engage in. Probus is primarily a fellowship organisation and not to serve the community in pastoral or welfare actiivities.

East Grinstead Probus Club History

The Club was formed in 1982 with 32 members, mainly consisted of Rotarians mindful of the need to create a Probus group within the town. The inaugural meeting was held on the 25th November at the Dorset Arms Inn. Once established as a going concern, the Rotarians withdrew, leaving the fledgling Probus Club in the words of the minutes "to be the master of its own destinity". Membership numbers have fluctuated up and down during subsequent years but more members are now needed to ensure the Club's continuing existence.

Formally known as The Probus Club of East Grinstead and District, it is based in the town noted for its historic High Street including Sackville College which was the home of  John Mason Neal where he wrote the carol Goood King Wenceslas.

East Grinstead is the northern terminus of the heritage Bluebell Railway and close to Gatwick Airport and Crawley.

